Saturday, September 19, 2015

自己 是什麼樣子

人生短短 說長不長 硬要坳也就那幾十年 幸運的話勤勞保養也不過就百歲已經很不錯了。常常聽別人說要成為自己想要成為的人 做想要做的事 小時候在記事本里填寫著以後長大要做這個那個。覺得警察很帥抓壞人 所以要做做警察 覺得醫生很有愛心可以救人 所以要做醫生 覺得軍人很忠心保衛國家 所以要做軍人 覺得什麼事情只要是長大都能夠完成 但逐漸的發現 長得越大越想要挽回小時候那天真的時光 不會有人去在意你做什麼說什麼 到處都是人陪你 帶你一起成長。

  漸漸地 我長大了 老大不小的二十了。夏天尾巴秋天開頭 年末了 來臨的幾個月後就要二十一了。小時候覺得長大好好 做什麼都沒拘束 要幹嘛就幹嘛 父母不會來煩你 鬧你 問東問西;長大後離家 想念的卻是父母的嘮叨 父母在身邊 能夠與手足一起鬧 那些時光其實很短暫 趁早珍惜能夠享受的一切吧 孝道也要盡 不要子欲養而親不待。

  越是大覺得越難做人 越孤獨。中學生涯有一群打打鬧鬧的朋友 一起逃課一起鬧一起吃喝玩樂 友好的一起吃 壞的一起挺。畢業後各奔東西 你忙你的我忙我的 你去北邊的大學 我去南邊的大學 他去東邊而他西邊 也不知道下一次見面是什麼時候 雖然想念他們但不會常常聯絡 因為我們都知道彼此都在罩著彼此不管身在何處 心都是一起的。然而 面對的困難不只對外要應酬 漸漸的發覺 失去了自己。小時候說什麼做什麼的自己 不見了。

  最難的是就是成為自己喜歡的樣子 但其實很多時候 我們都不知道自己其實是什麼樣子 那才是真正的問題。偶爾會聽見別人問你 以後要做什麼 相信大多數人的反應應該是 不知道 不清楚 不曉得 。如果是在我這個年齡層還在上大學的朋友們 我是說大多數 就覺得是這樣 沒做過什麼調查  就憑感覺認為是這樣。根據自己的觀察得到的結果是 自己越來越沉默寡言 除了跟平時友好的幾個瘋子朋友之外 都不怎麼想去面對外面的人 不是因為覺得陌生什麼 就是覺得現階段還沒必要去應酬這個那個 而且讀書都忙個半死了 哪還有時間精力去外面跟陌生人打聲招呼說聲好 累都累爆了。除了表示孤獨以外 學習堅強也是必備的了 自己在外面生活不會比在家裡來的幸福。慵懶的態度也該收手了。

  寫這篇文章並不會讓自己心情變好 就是抒發的管道。抒發過程中也要找尋自己想要的是什麼 想要變成什麼樣子 然後努力去實踐 不管最後結果如何。累了就休息 好了再繼續走 找不到方向的話就思考。腦是生來用的 不是放著生鏽的。

  路還很長 還得繼續走。期待下一站 會有著什麼樣的風景 等著自己去探索。

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Youtuber or not? Planning phase.

  Recently I'm just too free that anything comes into my mind somewhat turns into an idea. So recently I really addict on watching random videos on Youtube, from my favourite youtuber - Pewdiepie and also some others channels that often do tech videos as I am really into it and fond of it. Wondering if someday I got my own youtube channel (actually I owned one now) and my own subscribers, that would be fun. Well, it's still on planning phase as I have to reconsider about it and also at least need to acquire some video taking basic skills before I get all these things start, kind of exciting huh heheheh hahahah :D

  Well I don't own any quality device as I don't always take selfies and taking videos around due to don't have that kind of habit which I think I need to consider making it as habit if I really wish to start on my own youtube channel. No quality devices which are over my budget, some decent devices should be okay for this kind of project from the start.

  Devices are needed but for me I think the most important point is the basic skills of taking videos, making videos and editing it. Editing it through apple devices can easily be done by using IMovies (my thought) and some other third party apps as well. Furthermore, for better presentation skills, I've been practicing talking to myself and to the mirror as well for years (not a freak okay) for a better speaking skills and also the brave heart to speak in front of others, as well as in front of cameras. Real challenge bros.

  Apparently, everything are still in planning phase, so maybe I'll do it or I won't because it needs a lot of time and energy doing it. Dedications are needed and I need partnerships to do these stuffs. I hope I have time to deal with it. As for this blog, I will still continue to update it as long as I have time to do so. It's mostly about my life and I shared it and tell it, no matter are there people reading these.

  Experienced something and share with me and I will share any other interesting things with you guys if there is any. Peace!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Basically just upset


One and a half month from now, I will be going to pursue my uni life. Seems long but not really, the day will be there with just a blink of eyes. Time flies, I'm almost adult. Things that you learnt from the past not really help in the future but somewhat some kind of situation, it helps. So, I'm going to learn from now, prepare from now on how to take good care of myself, discipline myself well, train myself well before I enter University ; a place that I call it 'pre-society'.

  Ever since the first day you're born, your family baby sit you until the age of teenager. Then you continue your life until the end of your life. Not being too pessimism, you are going to find the way of life by yourself alone because nobody will help you to continue your life journey. Always, cherish the moment you have with your family while you still have the time to do so before it's too late, no matter what kind of situation you have, always cherish them because they are the one only who will support you no matter what, as blood is thicker than water.

  Life's hard sometimes and you just have to bear it. Uni life ain't easy, so do society. Just make sure that you get your job done and don't get yourself in trouble. No matter how busy you are with your work or study, have a break. Rest and always remember to contact your friends and family, get yourself some time to chill with them, because they are one of a kind, the most important part of your life.

  Always, when you're stress out and having tension, relax at the moment, enjoy the moment of silence and remember the one you miss, your family, your friends, peeps. Call them and talk to them, you will feel better. As family is always your life support, guide of life.